Tour Groups

Frequently Asked Questions

I've submitted my reservation request, how soon will I know my group has been confirmed? 

  • This will vary depending on the time of year that your group is joining us. Our goal is to confirm reservations at least 2 weeks prior to your arrival date. However, during the summer, we cannot confirm your reservation sooner than 1 week out.

My group qualifies for the Tour Group discount, and I'm paying with an Entertainment Reporting Form (ERF). Can I combine these two discounted rates for an even lower rate?

  • The Tour Group rate cannot be combined with any other discount.

What is included in the "all you can enjoy" menu at the Dining hall?

  • All dining halls have a salad bar, deli bar, fresh fruit, and fountain drink/hot beverages always available.
  • During breakfast, lunch and dinner meal periods the dining hall has a variety of hot entrees available.

Can guests bring their own lunches into the dining hall and eat with their group?

  • Unfortunately this is not an option. All guests who enter the dining hall must pay the admission fee and no outside food is permitted. 
  • If your group will be bringing packed lunches, they must be eaten outside of the dining hall.
  • The Campus Tours Office can assist with recommendations of campus locations to enjoy your picnic (831) 459-4118.

Are vegetarian or vegan food options available? What will be available on the day of my tour? What sorts of meals do you provide? What about dietary restrictions?

  • Yes, we have vegan and vegetarian options. To see what will be available on the day of your tour, check out the menus posted online
  • Our Nutrition and Wellness webpage has in-depth information on allergies, special diets, etc.

Payment options

  • Checks: Make checks payable to "UC Regents" and bring it to the cashier at the dining hall where you will be eating.
    • If your organization requires Tax ID information, email separately to request a copy of our W-9.
  • Check overpayment policy: Please note that any overpayments due (under $100) will be refunded in cash. Refunds over $100 will be processed through UCSC’s financial affairs department; this usually requires about 4 weeks to process.
  • Credit Cards:  All meals must be paid for in a single transaction. No individual credit card transactions will be accepted at the discount rate. Full price rates will apply for individual transactions.
    • Credit Cards: Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express are accepted.
  • Entertainment Reporting Forms (ERF) / Intercampus order/Charge form:  UC campuses may use an Intercampus Order/Charge Form (IOC). UC Santa Cruz groups may only use an Entertainment Reporting Form (ERF).
    • Bring a completed copy (with all required signatures) of the approved recharge form with you on the day of your tour. DO NOT BRING THE ORIGINAL FORM.
    • ERFs are “Not to Exceed” approvals, and only actual attendance is charged, therefore dining does not require the ERF be updated if final charges do not exceed the approved amount.
    • If your group will be using one ERF to pay for multiple meals, we require a scanned copy of the approved "Master" ERF be emailed to the Dining Administrative Office at least 3 business days prior to your first meal date. We will provide you with internal supplemental forms to take with you to each meal.
      • NOTE: Your group's “Day of Coordinator” will be given an itemized receipt of all payment transaction/s reflecting actual charges.
  • Purchase Orders are not accepted at the dining halls.

Tour Group Discounts

Tour Group Guest Meal Price
Tour price without tax $11.70
Tour price with tax $12.84
  • The Tour Group discounted rate is only available to student outreach groups that are visiting or touring the campus. This includes: groups from community colleges, high schools, middle schools and community organizations where the participants in the group are not campus affiliates.
  • In order to receive the discounted rate, groups must have contacted the Dining Administrative Office for a reservation and a single payment transaction must be made for the entire group at the time of service. 
  • Groups that have not contacted the Dining Administrative Office for a reservation, or do not qualify as a student outreach group, are welcomed to join us at the general admission price

Dining Hall Locations

  • College Nine/John R. Lewis Dining Hall
  • Cowell/Stevenson Dining Hall
  • Crown/Merrill Dining Hall
  • Porter/Kresge Dining Hall
  • Rachel Carson/Oakes Dining Hall

If you are unfamiliar with the campus, you can use campus maps to see where the dining halls are located:


Assignment of Dining Hall:

  • A group’s location preference will be taken into consideration, however we also consider: previously scheduled groups, special events, group size and transportation needs to determine assigned location.
  • When selecting a dining hall location, consider where you will be at your chosen meal time. If you are not sure where you will be at the end of your tour, or if you are unfamiliar with the campus, you can contact the Campus Tours Office at (831) 459-4118 for more information.

Dining Hall capacity:

  • Please be aware that we are currently limiting guest headcounts to 60 people per dining hall, per meal. Larger groups will need to split into smaller groups and will be assigned to multiple dining halls. Whether we can accommodate your group depends on your ability to split and if we have existing reservations for your tour date. 

Ready to make a reservation? 

Please fill out this form including the “notes” section. We will be in contact with you ASAP.

Still have questions? Email us at

Thank you.